Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New benchmark

I'm going to draw up the ending section while I try and figure out how to make the transitional work. Or, if it doesn't seem to be working, perhaps a different, less fail, way of making them happen. At the very least I'll make an attempt to make it fit.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Goal for Thursday 9-28

My goal for Thursday is to experiment with using the overhead sheets to draw on pictures. I will be able to finish the building/picture portion of the storyboard (the part that occupies slots 15-19).
I will try a couple different methods, doing larger amounts on a single picture as well as cycling out the pictures though at a significantly slower rate than previous. My original idea was to have close to a hundred different photos, but I'm cutting that down to 5 per photo section (give or take a couple). The primary problem will be attempting to create a transition between the black and white of the pencil images to the colored images of the photos.

Potential ideas to offset the transition...use black and white or gray-scale photos; derived from this I can use more sedate images in terms of color. Also, it may be solved simply by using simpler images as opposed to some of the, even moderately, complicated ones.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Since pretty much the only thing that changed in my idea was the transfer of following a figure into the process following a leaf. Hence, I have merely switched out the words figure/person with leaf.

The motif of my piece is constant change or growth being cyclical, with everything building off of what came before. That is to say, change is constantly occurring throughout the piece, whether it’s something actually growing and changing, or if it’s using the method of rapid replacement to rapidly switch out images, and in the end the whole thing becomes too large and crumples; it then starts over from the beginning.
I’ve broken down the structure of the piece into four sections. There’s the birth, growth, fall, and rebirth. The birth consists of a tree growing, then dropping a leaf, which then begins to float through nature, until coming across budding town. It watches the town grow, then moves through the town. It then observes a building grow and change and grow some more, until it becomes a skyscraper. It becomes so large, however, that it pushes against the paper, and the paper crumbles, bringing the building down with it. The leaf also sinks into the ground. Where it sinks, a plant blooms to bring the whole thing full circle.

I want to show the changes using draw and erase on paper as well as rapid replacement of drawings (on top of pictures) at certain times. I also plan to bring the paper itself into play later on in the piece, as a means of showing the breakdown and fall section of the cycle. Once the paper is settled, the cycle will begin anew.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The motif of my piece is constant change or growth being cyclical, with everything building off of what came before. That is to say, change is constantly occurring throughout the piece, whether it’s something actually growing and changing, or if it’s using the method of rapid replacement to rapidly switch out images, and in the end the whole thing becomes too large and crumples; it then starts over from the beginning.
I’ve broken down the structure of the piece into four sections. There’s the birth, growth, fall, and rebirth. The birth consists of a tree growing, then dropping a leaf which turns into a human figure. The figure then begins to walk through nature, until coming across budding town. He watches the town grow, then moves through the town. He then observes a building grow and change and grow some more, until it becomes a skyscraper. It becomes so large, however, that it pushes against the paper, and the paper crumbles, bringing the building down with it. The figure also sinks into the ground. Where he sinks, a plant blooms to bring the whole thing full circle.

I want to show the changes using draw and erase on paper as well as rapid replacement of drawings (on top of pictures) at certain times. I also plan to bring the paper itself into play later on in the piece, as a means of showing the breakdown and fall section of the cycle. Once the paper is settled, the cycle will begin anew.

My inspiration examples are:
Don Herdzfelts' 'Rejected Cartoons' Specifically at 7:55 when the paper crumbles (then again, Don Herdzfelt is a large part of my inspiration to be an animator in the first place)
Tree Cycle
Human Cycle

I wish I could have found the animation I was thinking of when I first had the idea, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was called. Oh well.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The general theme of my final idea is a basic “Cops and Robbers” type chase. It starts out with a blank page then a doodle of a cartoony criminal figure is made, who then comes to life. He looks around, and a cartoony police caricature comes onto the page. A chase begins across the original page, and the robber stops at the edge, back to the edge, and eventually jumps off. He appears on a nearby piece of paper, surprised and excited to have escaped. But the officer appears on this page as well, and a chase proceeds around the room, over various blank documents, photos, copies of paintings…perhaps some real paintings, with the characters changing to fit the style of the painting they are in. Eventually, the cop catches the robber, drags him to a drawn incinerator and tosses him in. A burned, crumbled up piece of paper appears behind the incinerator, and the police officer pushes the paper into a trash can (the burnt paper is 3d, the cop is 2d). After a few moments, a different crumbled up paper climbs out of the trashcan and lands on the floor. It opens up, and the robber is there. He runs away, end.

I admit the main reason for the chase scene is I needed a reason for a character to want to jump off a page, which for a drawing would be essentially like jumping into the middle of the ocean (I assume). I’ve also thought of having the beginning page become a kind of insular world, where the only time the character would jump off the page is when he is driven to it after doing something wrong. In this setting, it would begin with the doodle looking fairly normal, but would warp into a criminal as the nice looking setting began to fall apart and start to look destitute (a nice looking area turns into a slum). After committing some wrong, he would be chased by a cop, as described in the paragraph above.

This idea still needs development, but I think this is a good start to it. From here I have a good base to expand on.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3 ideas

My first idea is based on a video I saw by a band, Mogwai. It constitutes having an array of objects in a line. Either it can be done in the same manner as the video, with the objects already there, or the objects can either appear or else move into the line. I’m also considering having the line lead to something, though I’m not sure what at the moment (incinerator, trash compactor, etc). This is probably the easiest of my ideas to implement.
The video relating to this idea is:

My second idea is based on the BLU animations mixed with the Kentridge animations. It’s also mixed with the reoccurring idea in a lot of cartoons where the characters will enter paintings in a museum and jump from painting to painting. I see a blank canvas, either hanging on a wall or maybe on an easel. A painting/drawing begins to happen on the canvas which culminates into a creature/figure of some sort, who begins to jump from the first canvas to various painting/pictures/canvases strewn about the room.

My third idea is perhaps the most complicated and probably the hardest to implement since it would take a significant number of pictures to pull off at anything close to the quality of the video. But it would be amazing to attempt, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a person involved. The thing most appealing about this though, is the double layer of stop motion going on, added in with creating space within a different space. It boggles my mind…my mind! It burns! Anyways, this is my favorite of the ideas, but again, it might be outside the realistic.
The video related to this piece is at:

Self Crit

The title of my piece is “Recollections of a Zebra”. This stems from one of the more personal random thoughts that I had when doing the free writing. That is, it was one of the parts that I edited out of the public version of the free writing. The original idea going into the image selection process was to be as whimsical as possible in the selection, which came from the rambling free writing. But, because of the selection method, which was as random as I could bring it to be, I wanted to try and control it with a moderately rigorous structure in the video. I decided to use morse code as a means of structuring the images, and sticking that morse code into a mask inside of other images. I was attempting to make it so that, while the audience may not understand the code, they were still associating what was going on in the mask with what was going on in the larger images, which had been separated into different segments based on subject. Also, I put the mask of the morse code at the bottom of the screen, where subtitles would normally be.
The primary issues arose in photoshop. For some reason, when trying to create the pauses between images that would show the separation between the letters in the code, images would stick. I ended up having to create longer and longer pauses to make up for this. However, in the final version, for some reason the images didn’t stick in the final render. This caused the pauses to last longer, and created, what seemed to me, to be images appearing at random intervals. However, when watching I could see that since a lot of the images were reoccurring due to certain letters being used far more than others, a weird repetition at odd intervals was occurring inside of the larger images. I was not opposed to this effect and decided to stick with it. In fact, I started to see it as the real strength of the piece since the images were easily noticeable as being repeating, and I think really pulled together the idea that it was trying to say something. In the end, my primary issue with the piece is the length, but due to the sheer number of images used it was almost unavoidable if I wanted people to be able to see the images at all. Also, I should have worked mainly in FCP, as FCP really streamlined the process. Things that were taking me tens of minutes in Photoshop were reduced to a minute or two in FCP.
Some things I may try to improve this project would be to use a long rectangular mask rather than the circle mask for the code. This would make it read more like a subtitles bar, but the images themselves would be lost, thus the repetition of the images would be lost. The other thing I would change is to decrease the size of the whole thing to about one and a half minutes, and use only the images from a few of the major groups since at the moment the whole piece runs pretty long. These can be resolved pretty easily.
The biggest thing I learned here was that FCP seems to automatically resize images to scale down to the screen when imported. This greatly simplified the process and I wish I had learned it before I started to run scripts in photoshop, which would have been completely unnecessary if I had realized from the start.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

proj2 write-up

This project was much more difficult to acquire the resources for than it was to put together…or at least it would have been if I hadn’t been stupid and done half of the project in Photoshop. I suck at Photoshop, and Photoshop likes to crash on me fairly consistently…always right when I’m about to save (It’s talented like that). Anyways, right when I decided to ditch that program and compile the whole thing in FCP, everything started to go wonderfully smooth. In the end, I had to do the final masking and rendering in Photoshop, since for some reason some of the .mov’s I created in Photoshop wouldn’t transfer over to FCP for compiling for some reason, but just doing that in Photoshop was a simple matter.
The project came out about how I had hoped, though some of the Morse code bleeps are a little bit far between as re-rendering the final file in Photoshop seems to have finally corrected the black space issue, and a lot of the black space I had expanded for various reasons. It still comes out looking alright, but after watching it a few times I think I’m going to redo the Morse code when I can get a moment.

article response

These articles provided a lot for me to digest, too much perhaps, but even among the overload, the article “The Internet: Is it Changing the Way We Think?” stuck with me due to the compilation of viewpoints from many social scientists, psychologists, neurologists, etc. Even though all of the contributors seem to agree to an extent with what the original premise is, that the internet is causing a mental shift in its regular users, they seem to disagree in a much larger extent about whether the changes are “good” or “bad”.
The majority of these individuals see the brain as plastic. It is malleable and changeable on a day-to-day basis, which seems true given how the body itself is malleable. The mind continues to take in information, and just as opinions can be formed, the way the mind thinks can be changed, or manipulated. The Internet is causing the brain to think in a different way, using different aspects of the brain.
The consenting opinion, or rather the one that appears to think of this process as a good thing, seeing it as, essentially what the Google executive stated in the “Is Google Making us Stupid” article, a second brain. It clears away the need for one to do all the memorizing that was deemed necessary for the growth and development of young children, whether in school or church, and leaves room for the “important” things, later in life when all the things memorized as a child become nonessential. In another article, “Internet Use ‘good for the brain’”, it is also stated that browsing the web could increase the critical awareness of the elderly, as it stimulates a large amount of the brain.
The dissenting opinion sees it as a bit of blessed nuisance. It’s something that can’t be done without, but it also causes hardship. The contributors in the article have a variety of reasons for disliking the effects of the internet, but of course what seems to be the most popular reason is the decrease in attentiveness among even the contributors. Perhaps even more so, as pointed out in the article “An Ugly Toll of Technology: Impatience and Forgetfulness”, the effect it has on the social capabilities of individuals who shut themselves away from face to face interaction and associate anonymously over the internet. This, according to the article, leads children and young adults to ostracize themselves and become more depressed.
Both of these sides see the same effects of the web and based on the observation of different focus groups arrive at different conclusions as to whether the effects are positive or negative. I, personally, am not certain whether the internet is actually sapping attentiveness out of people. I find it just as likely that it’s more of a result of media itself being integral to our daily lives. As far as the children becoming more depressed, I think that may be the result in different ideas that drive parenting these days, and that children who are naturally more depressed would find the computer an easy way to shut themselves off. Depression has always caused individuals to become reclusive. Nowadays people just have a way to be reclusive while still being connected to the outside world through an anonymous terminal.
One idea that I do agree with, wholeheartedly, is that the internet is beginning to affect peoples ability to deal with persons on a face-to-face basis. Just looking within the school, if you look at the incoming freshman both last year and this year, they’re a very quiet bunch when not speaking amongst themselves, versus when I first started college and would go to social gatherings to form a social network. I think people are too comfortably with anonymity and are not comfortable presenting themselves before new people, mainly due to the forced restraint that has to be practiced.
Anyway, I find that while the internet might be contributing to the media madness that rushes at our mind everyday, there are so many things changing at once that it’s hard to state that the internet itself is changing our brains. While I can see the points made by the various articles, without seeing a sample audience and some testing, in the end all I can do is speculate. I saw it most profoundly in the original article I mentioned, but the people consistently say that it “seems obvious” that since our mind is plastic our mind would be changed by something as monumental as the internet, and I would agree looking at it like that, but saying that something “seems obvious” seems to imply that there is at the theory should be held with at least a little doubt as there is a lack of hard evidence to support it. Right now it is still in the realm of the social sciences, and is built up of speculation with some observation of sample groups.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I dunno somemore...

Response to “Is Google Makins Us Stupid”

This is an intense article. The first few paragraphs dragged me in due to it’s relevance to my own past. I used to read books all the time. I would read at least one book a week, usually two to three. I spent a good amount of time just browsing books at the bookstore. But I all of a sudden stopped reading as often. I still read a book here and there, but not at the rate I used to. Moreover, last year while reading a book I did something I had never done before…I stopped the book halfway through. I liked the book, “David Copperfield”, I was even engrossed in it at times, but I all of a sudden quit reading. This has been a growing problem in games that I play as well. I used to play long story driven games, RPG’s, and while I still do play them, I find myself stopping somewhere in the story.
Anyways, because I can see the effects mentioned in the first few paragraphs in correlation to my own past, I was drawn more into the article. The irony being that I was drawn into an article which stated that we were being less and less drawn into writings (someone somewhere might be screaming “that’s not irony”, but I have long since learned that I’m bad at pointing out irony…hmm, I just distracted myself). Thus, while the article deals with several things, the parts that garner the most of my attention are the parts that deal with “deep thought”. The idea of efficiency has indeed taken root. I see this most evidently in my recent self, as I skim over articles and readings and take out the parts that seem most necessary.
The other thing that was most surprising to me was the idea that we need an artificial brain to supplement and direct our primary brain. When I read that I actually had a mental jump of my mind screaming “WHAT?” (in internet terms that would be “WHAT???!!!??!!?!?!”). I knew there was a reason I didn’t trust Google, with it’s fancy logos, ease of use, and amazing work environment. The human brain is amazing for many reasons, not the least of which because different brains can ponder the same problem and come to different conclusions. Thinking in terms of just productivity it might be a dream, since everyone would be working off the same information and thus would have no issue arriving at the same conclusions, making board meetings a breeze, but when thinking in terms of creativity, everyone would be painting “The Last Supper” for the rest of their lives.
I feel like I’m rambling, and the more I do so, the further I move away from the article. I feel like this is what the article was afraid of…then again rambling is a result of the mind exploring connections, so perhaps it’s what the article was trying to promote… But then again, rambling also seems to be something that skims the surface of the brain as it is jumping through thoughts. The article seems to want more exploration of an idea, or perhaps a “deeper” connection to an idea. However, rambling, while it is a bit of a light skimming of the brain, is still creating a sequence of connectivity between thoughts, thus expanding the original idea without actually going deep into the meaning of that idea, so perhaps rambling is creating depth within that idea by adding more material to the idea.
I have just successfully, I think, rambled about rambling. I think I deserve a pat on the back. But I think I can honestly think of rambling as being intricately correlated to the idea behind the article, as rambling is a process that can only be done by the human brain as it makes jumps through separate ideas that are only loosely connected. Where as I believe that the supplement of AI will cause the mind to see only what is there directly.
I might devolved a little to far away from the article, so I’ll stop now.

definition of random as according to wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn

lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance; "a random choice"; "bombs fell at random"; "random movements"

However, I think this is lacking in that I believe that random is more of a matter of perception. I believe that in order for something to be truly random it must be perceived by a different source. i.e. If rather that putting a definition here I had just stated "Mashed Potatoes" or some such, it would not have been truly random for me. I would have had to have made the choice to write something there, and while it might have been the first thought that came to my mind...some connection would have had to have been made between the need to write something random the mashed potatoes in my head. In this case it's easier for me to see the connection between random and mashed potatoes in my own head as it's something that I recall something in the past being random to me when someone said "mashed potatoes". However, you as the reader, would have no idea what I meant there, and it would have been random to you. Thus, for something to be truly random, the connections have to be made in someone else's head.

Thinking about this, I can relate this to the response to "Is Google Making us Stupid" in my following post in that if google was successful in directly attaching the algorithm and information to our brain, random itself would be a thing of the past, as everyones mind's would have access to the same information. That does raise the question, however, of how a person's personal experiences would be handled by the algorithm. I believe people would still have individual experiences, but "how would those be handled?", is what I mean to ask. If everyone was operating on the same database, would a person's personal experiences be enterred into and processed by algorithm? Would the information itself become a part of the greater database? If so, once a person had an experience, wouldn't everyone who had that experience or a similar experience after that be using the information from that first experience, and those after, to process what would have been a unique experience in their life?

Now that I wonder, is this process happening now? Since google is the primary search engine, and we are all under the thumb of the information that google decides to provide for our searches, are we being funneled into a certain thought process? The article has a part where a friend of the writer is quoted as saying that the way he thinks has changed due to the internet, so it's feasable at the very least. But is the way we think being standardized, or rather being made universal? I have asked a lot of questions, but the method I would probably use for gathering the answers to these questions would be google searching...so I dunno.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The order...

...in which i looked things up in google. I would look it up then hit the show more button. I would pick a couple from the first page that i could see, then I would just scroll down the page and randomly pick horizontally arranged rectangles before they could fully load.

Comfortable place
Pig bat
Bother with shower
Lock up your daughter
Final fantasy cosplay
Mildew building up
Break down
Computer breakdown
Skateboarding country music singer
Halloween super hero
Grover does drugs
American Presidents in anime
American Indians in anime
Indian band
Busted pipe
Mad cow cartoon
Akira pose
Cyborg pirate ninja jesus
Female ninja
Action figures
Jesus action figures
Action hank
Action jew
Hamster hat
Character card
Deadly wake up call
Deadly creatures
Oil crisis
Destroy us all
Fishstick paradise
Spliced cartoon
Cartoon graffiti
Cartoon conniption
Tie play
competitive eating
coat of arms
trench coat mafia
warcraft nerd
nerd rage
internet meme
hurricane wreckage
fire hot
80’s anime
crazy anime
comic suicide
pirate robot
ninja robot
loading screen
demon butterfly
Kermit postal
Future cars
Cartoon spaceship
Cartoons of the 2000’s
2 more til 1000
white on black
black on white
crime rates by city
mosaics cartoon
either or
shower scene
alien encounter
mind control
lip service
funky outfits
weird asian outfits
tribal Africa
you win again
flawless victory
side scroller
evil candle
black people in anime
foreigners in American cartoons
foreigners in cartoons
butt on fire
fire safety
danger zone
haters be hatin
plushie madness
maybe later
lego lol
natural body
copyright protected
where’d I put the tuna
wheres waldo
where’s fluffy
big monster
grammar nazi
word nerd
good news
read all the pamphlets
console games
evil power

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

free-writing pt 3

These are the words and or phrases that i intend to look up first and see where that takes me

Comfortable place, bother with shower, bathroo, mildew building up, busted pipe, grate, raisin, reason, junk, tiles, bathroom shower, “garade”, “astoner”, opinions of work, assignment, screen, grammar nazi, reconstruction, teddy Roosevelt, came to fruition, uncomfortable position, notice what can’t be…, movies blue and orange, animations, with a friend, bit drunk, night time, incandescent bulbs, books, “badstool”, waste of money, console games, held a grudge, merits, saw, torture smut films, grown out of the world, world is just a dream, random things, shoot yourself, straight through the earth, hit the moon, center of the earth, oblong, gravity, “oftsen”, ancestor, private, head itches, coco rosie, male audience, bjork, figurative you, adventure time, futurama, tcby ice cream, Starkville, bops, freakin, jazz, camping, fallen away, nice to smell, sky at night, space between houses, catholic club, homeless people, ymca, ymck, bad manager, lifeguard, Madonna, coco rosie, flavored water, gunner, sucky job, old fashioned tank, wrinkles, “gasstation”, energy drinks, see the sea, diabetes with every sip, Giancarlo, 5 hour energy, odd stuff, comedown, have to piss, maids, manga, psychic, broader spectrum, wearing something normal, electro magnetic pulses, deadpan, loser regular people, dilate, discarded pants, worm in apple, nightmare,

free-writing pt 2

So im sitting here in my bed which is the most comfortable place for me to be tother than my bathroom whith the shower on but I cant do that right now since for some reason there s mildew buildig up on y ceiling and I think it might be a busted grate but im a little afraid to tell my dad about it since the resason may be a broken pipe since I take really long showers which are the most comfortable for me and we only recently had to replace the junk on or rather under the tiles in my bathroom shower this is also harder than I remember since ihavent sat down and freewrote since I still wanted to be a writer back in garade school unfortunately the peroson I showed all my writings too turned out to be a bit of astoner teacher and in the end I coudnt really trust his opinions of my work so it went about the same way as a lot of the other things that I evetntually lost interest in since I was abad at them though for some reason I always do well onwriting assignments also it is very hard for me to type without looking at the screen at all since I know for a fact that I am making mistakes and not using punctuation which makes me feel really odd and I really sdo wish that I could look down and see singce I am a bit of a grammar nazi with yself speaking of Nazis they say that every forum post will eventually degenerate into someone calling someone else a nazi and I also had a late class today on American government where I seem to have made an incorrect answer to a question because I rmisinterpretted the question in that I thought he asked when someothing began but he was asking when something happened so when I stated the reconstrcuction since that was when it started to happen what he meant was after teddy roosevaelt when it actually scame to fruition and finally happened in its totality im sitting in a fairly uncomfortable postion to type or the keyboard is in a place that is uncomofrotable for my hands to be while the rest of my body is comfortably laying down just thinking about what to write next such as I remember statements about colors and while I am quite partial to certain colors most colors throw me off ive also noticed that a lot of movies these days use blue and orange whichi s something I read in an article recently and now that ive noticed I cant unnoticed and it seems that all the movies are now just a tad bit more cliché also a good movie recently was scoot pilgrim vs the world which I wasn’t even excited to see in the first place but I eneded up going to withafriend because I really like the animations of the head animator for the game so I decided to give it a chance and im really glad that I did because it was just so amazing in every way that I could imagine then a again I was a bit drunk at the time but I think even without that it would have been amazing and I plan to go see it a gaiin I really need to paint my room a different colr becausewhen its nighttime and the incandescent bulbs make the wall look a little bit of a sickly greenish blue which is a bit ugly as I lay here I have several books I want to get around to reading but I justhavent been able to pick up a book lately for some reason though I used to read nonstop I wonder how log ive been writing for now I don’t think its long but Im probabl getting close to the set time I think I dunno my lamps on the badstool still need to have bulbs put in them or rather replaced in one case and the lamps next to my tv are turned at odd angles the tv might have been a waste of money but I guess not since I used it for the two years I was at state and I still do use it if infrequently since I don’t really play as many console games as I used to though maybe ill get back into it now that ive been kicked from my gaming guild of two years since I pissed off the female leader though im not sure why she held a grudge for so long when there was no reason to the last time I even talked to her was when someone in the guild was talking about the merits and depth of the saw movies and I was making fun of him for it I guess she took it the wrong way even though I wasn’t talking to her maybe she also feels that the movies were deep and moving though I don’t understand how people can get off on those torture smut films though I guess I cant say too much since I pretty much love anything that’s animated just for the simple fact that it is animated I should probably put more effort into critiquing the films I watch so that I can make better films myself but I get so caught up in just watching how peole move things and trying to figure out how to do some specific thing I see in the film that I forget to really pay attention but it seems so difficlt these days to really get involved with astory in a movie since they so rarely really speak to me anymore now that ive grown out of the world is just my dream phase that I had for years while in highschool and early years of college when I was still doing things that I wasn’t proud of or in the case of college recovering from the things I did in highschool since I quit them before college I find it oudd to type everything that comes to mind since I don’t really think often unless in conversation like when we used to go to dinner for hours at state and we would talk about random things like whether or not itw was possible to shoot yourself straight through the earth and hit the moon if there was no wind resistance and no lava at the center f the earth and I personally believe that once you hit the very center of the earth you would hit a tiny point of zero gravity but since the human body is oblong you would catch different amounts of gravity on your body and it woud cause your course to be altered if only just enough to cause you to hit a wall or miss the moon so you would have to fire yourself inside of some cylindrical object and make sure that when you hit the zero point that you hit it completely dead on so no part of the object receives more gravity than any other but I guess its pointless to even think about all that it is just fun to do so and while driving I often seem to start singing which is why I have a fear of being recorded in the car since Im afraid that someone hear swhich is also why I often feel ashamed of myself knowing that my ancestorys and friends and people whom have gone before me know what I do in private not that its any different from what I know others do but for some reason I feel like I should be above all that since im detached from it all but for some reason I have to since my head iches but anyways I forgot what I was thinking about and im listening to coco rosie who sounds very nice right now though some of her songs are clearly not intended for a male audience they still sound like good music and reminds me a lot of bjork who is one of my favorites I don’t know why im typing as if im talking directly to someone but I will assume that its like an article or a book that is speaking out and it has a figurative you even though I know the you is the person who assigned this and its odd to type even this but im laying down with my eyes closed not even looking anymore and I really wish I was watching a cartoon right now like adventure time or I know that futurama has a new episode tonight and that show has abeen a lot funnier this season than some of the episodes in the last season all those years ago but that’s fine since they wre good but the very first episode of the new season was bad but the episodes after have all been really good except fo rmaybe one or two misses and I think its been at elast 15 minutes notw so im gonna go find something to drink
Here we go again with the writing I just had some tcby ie cream which hasalwaysb een my favorite and probably still is though it might be in competitions with a place I used to go to in Starkville called bops which was frozen custard and was freakin amazing emphasis on the freakin and all that jazz but again I seem to be rambling to a person and not really rambling in my mind im just not sure what to do with it and I seem to continue no matter how I try to remove any listener or reader from the process and I think that it is getting to the point where he listener is actually in my head im listening to the sound of cars pass weachother applied to a cartoonish style background music that is from the early ninetees and It really is pretty enjoyable I used to love camping but I seem to have fallen away from it recently the trees were always so nice to smell and the sight of the sky at night was wonderful using the restroom wherever I pleased was nice though I kind of did that in the city as well when walking around the neighborhood at night I would actually go into the spaces between peoples houses and take pisses there and I used to go behind the catholic club and chill in the woods there though w would see homelss people and get a bit worried I really miss the catholic club I used to spend entire summers there but ever since the ymck opened nearby to it we steadily lost members then a very bad manager took over and managed to piss people off a lot so even more people left to go to the ymck and the catholic club steadily died until I was either eighteen or nineteen and it finally closed down though I had stopped going regularly once I turned around fourteen or fifteen and only spent one more summer there when I was a lifeguard when I was I think eighteen but not sure anymore though I did manage to save a little kid who jumped off the diving board though I figured he couldn’t swim just looking at him but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and just watched til I knew and jumped in quickly and got him out of the water before he could really get under the water ihe was probably only under water for about five seconds this song is odd theres something about a vagina giving someone a kiss but the singer is a woman oh I think she is saying Madonna and since I remember one of the songs being called Madonna I can say that with a certain level of certainty though I thought it was a bit funnier when I thought she was saying vagina I heard a girl singing another coco rosie song while walking out of calicott which I thought was funny since I had just refound cooc rosie a couple days before that after not eharing her for about a year or two I cant drink regular water too often or at least not when im eating something since water kills the taste of everything and in doing so has a bad taste itself to me but if I haven’t been eating then it just tastes like nothing and is fine though I still prefer flavored water im not sure how much to write since it was stated that we should write extensively but it is going to be fairly difficult to read through this since its all split up and junk and theresno punctuation but I think it will be interesting to see how these projects come out though I hope it turns out okay that im gnna be using the same free writing for both classes I type gonna all the time though its not a word and all I can think about is the gunner on a plane or tank which seems like a sucky job on those old fashioned tanks where the gunner had to be on a turret up top and was exposed while the other people got to chill inside and well maybe chill isn’t realy the right term wrinkles are kind of odd to think about since its hard to tell exactly how the skin is interacting withoitself and it seems a bit weird that it should rub up against itself like that and not cause to many issues other than making the person self conscious about it I cant open my eyes right now I might have had them closed a little to long so its making me tired I might need to go up to the gasstation soon and buy some energy drins I thinkt hat part might work for thepictures but will have to see the sea is a very nice place to visit though for some reason eve n though I went to florida for a weak recently I didn’t even go to the beach once though I went to harry potter land and it was really interesting and I had the butter beer stuff and felt like iw awas going to develop diabetes with every sip but it was delicious and the red ale was good too I got really drunk that day then I felt gulty cuz I left Giancarlo alone to drive while I slept in the passenger seat though I driank a hour energy when we stopped for gas and I was aak the rest of the time 5 hour energy is odd stuff it really makes me hyper and awake but it makes me twitch to no end and when I finally do comedown I have noenergy for days though that usually happens only if I drink two in one day and it also causes me to have o psiss all the itme looiking over the really bad typing and grammar that has resulted of the position im typing in and the not using punctuation or looking at the screen has made me create lots of weird words and stuff though I have noticed in the past that typing in misspelled words in google can sometimes lead to interesting results so maybe that will be the basis of my google searches with the whole misspelling thing for some reason I just thought of maids though I cant imagine why it probably has something to do with a manga im reading at the moment where maids play an integral role though I don’t like the maids all hat much andim not really in to them as a trpe in anime but someimtes you can look past the maids and see the story for the broader spectrum and really all you need to do is remove the maid outfits and imagine them wearing something normal and it all comes out alright I kind of wish I was a a phscic or at least believed in all that stuff since it would make the world a more intresting place but in the end I just cant bring myself to believe in those kinds of things since I couldn’t imaginesomeone being albe to read what its essentially electro magnetic pulses in the brain though that doesn’t mean I don’t believe in god and angels and all that jazz since seems seem to work out in the end for most people not all peopole because someone has to lose for someone else to win or everything would just be deadpan which really sucks but there has the be a loser for there to be a winner mayb epeoplpe can pick up on that but too often people start to go liberal and such just because they think the government should be the ones helping people but its not the governments job its us loser hregular people im starting to fall asleep laying here so I need to get up and move around a couple minutes and I might take a shower though that might just make me more tired but yah I am gonna take one

Im still not sure how far to go with this so I will continue now that I am at least a little refreshed ive also turned down my fan since it usually causes my eyes to go down I find myself thinking faster than I cn type and I type faster than I can write which I believe is the reason that I continue to type as if im typing to someone as opposed to just random things that come to my head ill try typing only thing that come to my head for a minute fan light music window outside is dark the lights are kind of bright at the moment shower must have dialated my eyes or something I didn’t spend long in there least not as to how I usually do tv still as big a black mass as anything seelse looks good since its evently spaced between window and bathroom closet dark as well door is open for some reason so many shirts I don’t wear at all and disarded pants I don’t weareither I might need to start dressing better since im a bit older now nah no reason people don’t care either way and forget as soon as they see cant wait til its cold eyes are closing again hmm what to write the right says that you should lock your doors and windows but the left says that you can sell your soul for a few extra bucks random think my fingers are in the wrong place nope I really like apples but thinking about a worm in there is a bit troubling do worms still scare me no I don’t think they do that nightmare was odd when I was little im still typing to slow to keep up withmy thought processesdizzying eyes stare at me from inside my head that manga had a lot of these style eyes maybe that’s why I see them but I also feel something on the back of my neck must be the pillow I remember ullimg my mouth wide and sticking my tounge at people I should start doing that again though I hate the idea of my forgot the thought since my beard iched oh well maybe I should comp;etely shave again since I haven’t done that in a long time but now I have someone who can trim me all the time so what wold thepurpose beweve gotten as far as wee needed to g olets take this baby over wait your leaving us here to die how dare you so they were frozen in carbonite they were never heard from againwe should just let them overstep theres again im getting tired I think I might need to wrp this up soon but you are very kind oki when I get tired I start to think of random things but I never remember what like the other day iw as saying something about my sisters school and ened up talking about how an organization was trying to keep her down my friend didn’t know what the hell iwas talking about and honestly I didn’t know either but for some reason it came out like that in fact I think it had something to do with her teeth so maybe I was trying to say that someone had taken off her braces but I couldn’t do it right so it came out as someone or rather some organization was attempting to destroy her teeth but I cant even remember that it was odd though however I had spent the entire night at beale street with my best friend from when I was younger but whom I hadn’t seen since 5th grade but who had happened to find my sister on facebook and said his family was coming back to Memphis for the weekend and we ended up hanging out together it was odd but fun drinking blue moon was nice I like wine more still though not in taste but it get s me drunk faster being drunk is nice since I don’t do anything else to get inebriated these days least drunk is legal still cant open my eyes wonder if that’s what death feels like just laying there unable to open eyes kind of want to have my whole life lflash before my eyes just to remember all the things ive forgotten like maybe I really wasn’t as good at sports as I thought I was if only I hadn’t been grounded from them and taken that opppurtunity to quit them I hear a scratching sound cat must be hungry my mind isn’t really making any thoughts at the moment except to think that im not thinking I feel like im talking to myself I think I am talking to myself in a way should probably keep those thoughts on the downlow but since ive had them they go on the page system whatever don’t get snotty with me don’t get trite with m e look up don’t get and see what options come bck I kind of passed out there for a sec but for some reason when the music stopped I woke up I don’t like being without sound sound makes me stop thinking maybe I should not have sound on for this but it also seems to stimulate thought I don’t know how that works but it does both the only reason being that it distracts sometimes and sometimes it removes distraction I should probably find the meteor fragment before they get it since I can use it to quell the power of the girl and can even ahchieve a perfect union who had kittens there everywehere the music finally started back up

free-writing pt 1

Following above will be the actual free writing but first off I had an idea in the middle of it all to use mispelled words or assortments of letters in the google search and use the "Did you mean..." function to find things to look up. Will have to test it a bit over the weekend to see how it comes out.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


was a sailor or potentially explored the entire world. You can potentially draw a sailor into any picture, anywhere in the world, and make a legitimate claim that it is Sinbad.

Based on a fun conversation...not based on truth.