The general theme of my final idea is a basic “Cops and Robbers” type chase. It starts out with a blank page then a doodle of a cartoony criminal figure is made, who then comes to life. He looks around, and a cartoony police caricature comes onto the page. A chase begins across the original page, and the robber stops at the edge, back to the edge, and eventually jumps off. He appears on a nearby piece of paper, surprised and excited to have escaped. But the officer appears on this page as well, and a chase proceeds around the room, over various blank documents, photos, copies of paintings…perhaps some real paintings, with the characters changing to fit the style of the painting they are in. Eventually, the cop catches the robber, drags him to a drawn incinerator and tosses him in. A burned, crumbled up piece of paper appears behind the incinerator, and the police officer pushes the paper into a trash can (the burnt paper is 3d, the cop is 2d). After a few moments, a different crumbled up paper climbs out of the trashcan and lands on the floor. It opens up, and the robber is there. He runs away, end.
I admit the main reason for the chase scene is I needed a reason for a character to want to jump off a page, which for a drawing would be essentially like jumping into the middle of the ocean (I assume). I’ve also thought of having the beginning page become a kind of insular world, where the only time the character would jump off the page is when he is driven to it after doing something wrong. In this setting, it would begin with the doodle looking fairly normal, but would warp into a criminal as the nice looking setting began to fall apart and start to look destitute (a nice looking area turns into a slum). After committing some wrong, he would be chased by a cop, as described in the paragraph above.
This idea still needs development, but I think this is a good start to it. From here I have a good base to expand on.
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